2020: A Round Up Unlike Any Other

By Stephanie Goodson

Dear 2020:

Is there really anything left to say?  You started out as such a perfectly sequenced number, pleasant to write and easy to say.  As the days passed by, you brought us devastating fires, economic downturn, a pandemic and social unrest.  We all found ourselves asking: “What next?!?”

Approaching the new year, what can we anticipate?  Will 2021 bring revival?  Hope?  Light at the end of the dark 2020 tunnel?  We honestly wish we could offer that.  Guaranteed confirmation that 2021 won’t be, can’t possibly be, tougher than 2020.  The truth is, if history repeats itself, then there really are no guarantees that one year will be easier or filled with less hurdles than the last. 

However, 2020, if you have taught us anything, it is that we will make it through if we stick together.  Clients, colleagues, friends and family.  If we unite, we are stronger, more capable, and there is nothing that we cannot face together. 

We actually CAN guarantee, that 2021 will be better.  Not necessarily because our circumstances make it so, but because we will not allow the divisiveness of our country and the circumstances of our world separate us more.  We know that “teamwork makes the dream work.”

Here at KHL, we are a strong united team.  We have internally and externally worked together to stay united and forge forward.  If you speak to any of our employees, you will know that within our firm, we foster an environment of lifting each other up and supporting each other like a unit, and in doing so, we have consistently maintained our mission to represent our clients with aggressive legal handling. 

How did we do that? When we began to go paperless and offer remote work to our employees over five years ago, we had no idea that this would become the norm. As our Associate Attorney Lisa Clayton wrote earlier this year, a luxury suddenly became standard practice. And with that, new challenges and adjustments for all. But our foundation laid the groundwork for a successful transition, meaning we didn’t miss a beat. In fact, since lock down began we’ve hired attorney Jonas Parr in Fresno. And though we miss seeing everyone in person, it was wonderful to host a seminar in September regarding the new COVID related laws in California. Want to see it again, or were you not able to make it and still curious? Reach out to us and we can send you a recording!

During this holiday season while we cannot gather for our annual holiday party, we are still working together to reach out to the community and families in need. We are supporting two organizations here in Southern California. Providing needed supplies to Harvest Home Santa Monica location, this fantastic organization works to transform the lives of homeless pregnant women and their children to provide housing, support and other programs. In addition, we will also be sponsoring two families through the DPSS Adopt-A-Family program. Ensuring that these families that have fallen on difficult times still have a merry season, we’re looking at their holiday wish lists, checking them twice, then delivering the gifts to make their family’s season bright.

We are reaching out to anyone that needs assistance.  We will always be here to support legal needs, but we are also here for community.  We are here to help; we are here to listen.  2020, while you still show no sign of letting up, we are going to finish this and forge into 2021 stronger together.    



KHL Lawyers